All of the information for Corydon's plan will be posted on this page. Check back frequently for updates or subscribe to receive email notices when updates are available.
Project Schedule
How can I participate?
Check out the Next Steps Checklist and reach out to your town council members to find out how you can be a part of the implementation of this plan!
Project Documents and Resources
Public Engagement Opportunity # 1 - The project team hosted the first public engagement opportunity for the Town of Corydon on July 29 at the Corydon Farmers Market. Over 50 people stopped by the booth at the farmers market to help the project team identify opportunities, challenges, and big ideas for the future. For individuals that weren’t able to make it to the farmers market, an online survey is available. Both the meeting and online survey were advertised through social media and the school newsletter.
Public Engagement Opportunity # 2 - On Thursday, November 17th the project team facilitated a work session with select individuals from the community to review the vision, goals, and big ideas for the future. The work session was held from 12:00 – 1:30pm at Town Hall. There were 11 people in attendance. The meeting agenda included an overview of the Harrison County Town Planning Initiative, highlights from the last public engagement opportunity, and then a discussion around the draft goals and big ideas. Review the meeting materials and summary below.
Public Engagement Opportunity # 3 - The project team facilitated a public open house on March 21, 2023 at town hall to review the ten catalyst initiatives. Participants were invited to review the draft material and provide input using post-it notes and dot stickers. There were 15 people in attendance. For individuals that weren’t able to make it to the open house, an online survey was available.